Member-only story
A prophet does not come out of Galilee?
“Excuses are the tools of the incompetent, monuments of nothingness and those who use them are not wise because they build bridges to nowhere” — Sam Egube, Lagos State Commissioner for Budget & Economic Planning
They don’t give First class in the faculty of Law. They don’t give First Class in the Department of English. These were the stories I heard all the five years I attended the University of Benin. But now we know the aim of the story — it was to give us excuses for our own failures. Every known department in Nigerian Universities has produced First class repeatedly again and again. The people who made up this sham story had an excuse why excellence should not be demanded of them. It is just a story they made up.
“If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.”
Jim Rohn
I love the Pharisees mentioned in the bible. Their entire life is built on stories of what worked yesterday, laws that they never kept, burdens they loved to heap on others through stories. They relish the stories that they tell. That is also true for me and you. Our robots like stories, and sadly the most negative ones. Stories of how nothing is ever possible. Stories of how marriages are not working. Stories of how people are fighting in the organization. Stories of how the other man beat his wife to stupor…